Monday, 9 November 2009

Welcome to Open Guard

Hey, thanks for dropping in on Open Guard, my (mostly) dedicated MMA blog. Given that I've done next to zero advertising for this thing, chances are you're here by accident. But ignore that and hang around for a while, get to know the place. First things first, what is Open Guard? In all honesty, it's a bit of everything, from opinions and thoughts, to hopefully down the line interviews with fighters from around the MMA spectrum.

Next up, who am I? I'm a fan. Not a reporter, a journalist, a self-proclaimed expert or anything like that. Just a fan. As we all know, back in the "Dark Days" of mixed martial arts it was the voice of the fans and the power of the Internet that kept this young sport alive and so it's in that vein that Open Guard is born. A place for a fan to talk to other fans.

What can you expect? Tricky question, but the aim is to check in weekly for a look at the news in the MMA world. Again, this isn't a journalist thing, I'm not going to pretend to be out researching the latest facts and figures. It'll be a case of taking the stuff you already know from a fans perspective and adding a little bit of colour to it. Then, depending how things go, I'll hopefully have some fighter interviews, a couple of guest columns, some collaboration with other fans and so on.

So for now, that's all. I'll be checking back in soon with the first 'proper' post.

Till then,
ZJ Penn

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